Hirschmann 300-47-427 Test Lead Mln 200/2.5

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Product number 300-47-427 Test Lead Mln 200/2.5
Producer Hirschmann

Description: 300-47-427 Test Lead Mln 200/2.5 ( Hirschmann )

Hirschmann 300-47-427 Test Lead Mln 200/2.5

Product Name: Hirschmann 300-47-427 Test Lead Mln 200/2.5
Product Brand: Hirschmann
Product Code: 300-47-427 Test Lead Mln 200/2.5
Product Artikel: Hirschmann 300-47-427 Test Lead Mln 200/2.5
Technische Daten Technical data Stiftdurchmesser Pin dimensions 4 mm 4 mm Kontaktart Type of contact gefederter Stift spring-loaded pin Leitungstyp Cable type LEH-XY LEH-XY Leitungsspezifi kation Cable specifi cation hochfl exible Schlauchleitung highly fl exible lead Litzenaufbau Wire stranding 320 x 0,10 mm 320 x 0.10 mm Bemessungsspannung Rated voltage 30 VAC / 60 VDC 30 VAC / 60 VDC Messkategorie lt. IEC61010 Measurement cat. acc. to IEC61010 CAT I CAT I Bemessungsstrom (Derating Kurve beachten) Rated current (consider derating curve) 32 A 32 A Durchgangswiderstand Contact resistance 20 mOhm 20 mOhm Werkstoff Material Kontaktmaterial Contact material Kontaktstift: Messing Kontaktfeder: Kupfer-Beryllium contact pin: brass contact spring: copper-beryllium Kontaktoberfl ächenmaterial Contact surface material Nickel, alternativ Gold nickel, alternative gold Gehäusematerial Housing material PA PA Leitungsmaterial Cable material PVC PVC Umgebungsbedingungen Environmental condidions Temperaturbereich Temperature range -15°C bis +70°C -15°C to +70°C Brennbarkeitsklassen Infl ammability class Gehäuse (Grundmaterial) Housing (basic material) UL 94 V-2 UL 94 V-2

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